NTPS Plc. will re-open its customer service offices from Monday.

As a result of the gradual easing of the government-mandated restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, in accordance with Resolution No. 1/2021. (IV. 6.) of the Minister of the Interior and Government Decree No. 144/2021. (III. 27.), National Toll Payment Services Plc. (NTPS Plc.) will re-open their customer service offices from 19 April 2021 (Monday).

To HU-GO customers: Please check your tax number

NTPS Plc. requests that all of its HU-GO customers accurately submit their tax number.

National Toll Payment Services Plc. relocates one of its busiest customer service offices from Budaörs to Újbuda

National Toll Payment Services Plc. (NTPS Plc.) is relocating the Budaörs customer service office—one of its busiest—to Újbuda, closer to downtown Budapest. The company’s Újbuda office will be open to partners and customers from 11 February 2021 (Thursday) in the Fonte Office Building (address: Budaörsi út 153., Budapest 1112), with the same opening hours and offering the usual services.

Zmiany w systemie elektronicznych opłat drogowych HU-GO ważne od dnia 1 stycznia 2021 roku

Cena elektronicznej opłaty drogowej będzie łatwa do wyliczenia

Zmiany w systemie elektronicznego poboru opłat drogowych HU-GO

Minister odpowiedzialny za innowacje i technologie swoim rozporządzeniem nr ITM 41/2020 (13 XI) zmienił rozporządzenie NFM nr 25/2013 (31 V) o wymiarze opłat drogowych i o drogach objętych opłatą drogową.