Contract terminates between ITineris Informatikai Kft. and National Toll Payment Services Plc.

Effective as of 21 June 2021, ITineris Informatikai Kft. has terminated its individual data reporting agreement concluded with National Toll Payment Services Plc. (NTPS Plc.) on 17 June 2013.

Dopravcovia, pozor! V Maďarsku sa sprísňujú pravidlá určovania environmentálnej kategórie

National Toll Payment Services Plc. (NTPS Plc.) Od 1. júla 2021 automaticky klasifikuje do najhoršej environmentálnej kategórie tie nákladné vozidlá registrované v systéme HU-GO s celkovou hmotnosťou vozidla vyššou ako 3,5 tony, registrované zahraničí, ktorých environmentálne hodnotenie dopravcovia nemôžu dôveryhodne preukázať.

Zmeny v systéme elektronického výberu mýta HU-GO

Minister zodpovedný za inovácie a technológie vo svojom nariadení č. 20/2021. (IV. 23.) ITM pozmenil nariadenie o rozsahu cestného mýta a o cestách s povinnosťou platby mýta číslo 25/2013. (V. 31.) NFM.

NTPS Plc. will re-open its customer service offices from Monday.

As a result of the gradual easing of the government-mandated restrictions caused by the coronavirus pandemic, in accordance with Resolution No. 1/2021. (IV. 6.) of the Minister of the Interior and Government Decree No. 144/2021. (III. 27.), National Toll Payment Services Plc. (NTPS Plc.) will re-open their customer service offices from 19 April 2021 (Monday).

To HU-GO customers: Please check your tax number

NTPS Plc. requests that all of its HU-GO customers accurately submit their tax number.