E-toll: new point of sale on the Romanian side of the border at Nagylak (Nădlac)

As of 8 September 2018, carriers using motorway M43 may also purchase their road use authorizations on the Romanian side of the border at Nagylak (Nădlac).

E-toll: changes on the toll road network

As of September 1, 2018, the Ministerial Decree regulating the amount of the toll and the toll sections will be amended in several points.

Е-путарина: серијске казне лако се избегавају

Све више превозника користи бесплатан систем National Toll Payment Services Plc.-а за алармирање у циљу превенције казне и упозорења на мањак оквирних средстава. Ове две функције су од велике помоћи за правилно коришћење транспондера и избегавање казни. Ове функције добиле су на тежини после измене прописа о казнама од 12. новембра 2017.

Route tickets now also available in Bulgarian, Serbian and Slovenian

Three languages have been added to the list of languages in which the services of ‘kiosks’, i.e. the route planning devices located at the points of sale of the pay-as-you-go electronic toll charging system (HU-GO) are available. The National Toll Payment Services Plc. has opted for the addition of new languages to the existing package based on the toll declaration statistics of foreign road users. For years, Bulgarian, Serbian and Slovenian hauliers have represented a high ratio of route ticket buyers.

E-tolls: successive fines are easy to avoid

The number of carriers using the fine alert and low balance warning services offered by the National Toll Payment Services Plc. free of charge is on the rise. These two functions largely contribute to the correct use of on-board units and enable road users to avoid successive fines. In view of the modification of the rules of the imposition of fines for unauthorized road use as of 12 November 2017, their importance is expected to increase.