Attention: changes in the toll road network

Pursuant to the decree published by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology on 19 December 2019 in the Hungarian Official Journal, the composition of the toll road network of Hungary will soon change.

Nasza usługa ostrzegania przed karą jest przejściowo niedostępna

Informujemy naszych szanownych klientów, że z przyczyn technicznych nasza usługa ostrzegania przed karą jest przejściowo niedostępna.

New customer service contact details

As of 2 September 2019, contact details for two customer service offices of the National Toll Payment Services Plc. have changed.

NTPS customer service point in Székesfehérvár to move to a new location

The National Toll Payment Services Plc.’s customer service point in Székesfehérvár will move from the resting area by motorway M7 to a downtown location. As of 2 September, our partners and customers will be served in the usual opening hours at the new location at Berényi út 13., where free parking will also be available.

South Pest Customer Service point opening hours about to change

The opening hours of the South Pest Customer Service point of the NTPS Plc. are about to change as of 1 August 2019.